My Blog is Up!

Well it is officially up. Tomorrow I am going in to get my port-a-catheter installed and my first chemotherapy treatment!

Had a great weekend up in Santa Cruz with Hayley, Nolan, and the beautiful little Paige.

Santa Cruz

I’m feeling tons of family support and ready to get this going!

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6 Responses to My Blog is Up!

  1. Dondi says:

    Ahoy! Not sure if Pirate ships had official cooks, but if they did I’ll be the cook! Any of you creative minded know what that title would be?
    Love the updates, photos and all. Crystal, my 5 years working in a hospital environment were very interesting. Loved the ER staff! You and your co-workers are an amazing group. Thanks for taking such good care of our Pirate!

  2. Debi Carter says:

    Okay – good update. Excellent detail. Thank you, Cap’n Carter.

    “If they ever come up with a swashbuckling school, I think one of the classes should be Laughing, then Jumping Off Something.” Jack Handy, SNL

    Sounds to me like you could conduct both classes. 🙂 Love you.

  3. Dondi says:

    Saying prayers and keeping positive thoughts for you.

  4. Star says:

    Love the look of the blog – very nice graphics. Great picture, you all look wonderful. We’ll sail along with you, brother.

  5. Aunt Deneece says:

    Sending lots of love!

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